Liberia Joins the World in Celebrating World Malaria Day


Liberia joined the rest of the world on April 25 in observing “World Malaria Day,” which is being observed throughout the Republic as a working holiday.

World Malaria Day showcases the global efforts to control and eliminate malaria. Every year on April 25, partners come together to celebrate success, recognize health workers, and underscore the need for expanded investment as well as sustained political commitment for malaria prevention, control, and elimination.

The 2018 World Malaria Day celebration coincide with the launch of the Long Lasting Insecticise Treated Mosquito Net Mass Distribution in the country.

The official LLINs campaign launch and the World Malaria Day (WMD 2018) commemoration ceremonies were held at the Paynesville City Hall in Montserrado County under the theme: “Ready to Beat Malaria” and a local slogan “Everywhere, Every night, Sleep under Mosquito Nets.”

The 2018 World Malaria Day and lauch of the LLINs campaign led by the Health Ministry in collaboration with Plan International Liberia and partners evant brought together thousands of Liberians including representatives of the Government, Plan International Liberia, the Global Fund and members of the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism, the US Embassay, WHO and other UN Organizations.

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