Grant Title: Scaling up Malaria Prevention, Treatment and Control Intervention in Liberia for Sustained Impact
Grant Value: $48,233,232 USD
Principal Recipient: Catholic Relief Services
Time Period: July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027
Program Goal and Objectives
To reduce malaria incidence and deaths by at least 80% (45% overall prevalence) levels by 2027 (9% prevalence).
The project comprises four objectives which include:
- By end of 2027, reduce malaria mortality rates by at least 89.5% (18/100,000 population) compared to 2016 (172/100,000 population.
- By end of 2027, reduce malaria case incidence by at least 80% (76/1,000 population) compared to 2016 (380/1,000 population).
- By end of 2027, promote and maintain a culture of evidence-based decision-making to achieve malaria program performance at all levels.
- By end of 2027, strengthen and maintain capacity for program management, coordination, and partnership to achieve malaria program performance at all levels.
Main Activities
Vector Control
- Insecticides Treated Nets (ITN)- mass campaign using ICT 4D to increase quality coverage, accountability, and timely reporting.
- Removing human rights and gender-related barriers to vector control programmes. Specific activities including relevant SPC to be fine-turned following 2024 ITN campaign and Malaria Matchbox Assessment.
Malaria Case Management
- Supporting facility and community parasite-based and facility-based treatment.
- Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM)
- Private sector(not-for-profit) case management
- Removing human rights and gender-related barriers to case management while promoting social and behavior change activities related to malaria case management. Specific attention to marginalized communities, and persons with disabilities. Approaches and message content to be tailored based on findings from 2024 Malaria Matchbox Assessment
Specific Prevention Intervention (SPI)
- Intermittent Preventive Treatment(IPTp) in pregnancy
- Social and behavior change(SBC)
- Zero Malaria Starts with Me Campaigns
- World Malaria Day Celebrations and Campaigns
- Removing human rights and gender-related barriers to specific prevention interventions. Adaptations to IPTp approaches and key messages will be finalized in consultation with key messages will be finalized in consultation with key stakeholders on findings from the 2024 Malaria Matchbox Assessment. Activities will include:
- Using existing CHAs, TTMs, and community promotions to advocate for increased IPTp uptake
- Intensifying mass communication efforts including the use of radio, community leaders, and town criers
- Engaging men through community dialogue and IEC/SBC materials tailored for a male audience.
- Engaging TTMs via training on Malaria in Pregnancy and establishing a feedback mechanism between TTMs and HFs with IPTp service delivery points
- Leveraging other( non-Global Fund) Women’s Empowerment Programs and existing women’s groups to hold sensitization sessions
Community Systems Strengthening including (CLM)
- Continuation of CLM Project Set-Up and Governance activities
- Focus on malaria high-burden counties (Pilot activity)
- Data Collection and Use (data support) including eCBIS
- Monitoring, Feedback and Advocacy
Health Monitoring and Evaluation Systems
- Strengthen routine reporting and data quality at all levels.
- Strengthen program data analyses program evaluation, data verification assessments/ reviews and data utilization.
- Improve operational research and knowledge management capacity at all levels and within community-based organizations.
Project Management
- Coordination and management of national disease control programs
- Financial Monitoring, spot-check, and county visit of all 15 counties programs, hospitals, and facilities.
- Human resource planning/staffing and training for program management.
Human Resources Management
- HRH planning, management and governance including community health workers (CHA and CHSS)
- Community health workers: selection, Pre and in-service training, certification, contracting, renumeration and retention.
- Community health workers: Integrated supportive supervision and supply chain support
Monitoring and Evaluation
- Routine reporting, malaria surveillance and ensuring data quality
- Support for data collection and reporting (data injections, transportation)
- Analyses, evaluation, reviews and use of data for decision-making including a Malaria Program Review and updating of the NSP.
- Survey and operational research
Laboratory Systems (including national and peripheral)
- National Laboratory governance and management structures.
- Laboratory information systems and based surveillance
- Human resource capacity building and mentorship for enhance lab services
- External Quality Assurance for increase quality of lab functions
Health Financing Systems
- Advocacy for domestic resource mobilization (budget to be included under “community-led advocacy and monitoring of domestic resource mobilization)
- Support the establishment of the “Liberia End Malaria Council” as key strategy to advocate for increases and sustainable, multi-sectoral domestic financing for malaria elimination in Liberia.
- Develop capacities as the national and county health division, district and facility levels in financial management systems, software subscriptions and hardware purchase and well as trainings.
Health Products Management System
- Procurement of software and technical assistance to enhance the collecting and reporting of key essential logistical data for anti-malaria commodities from the last mile health facilities in country.
- Strengthen effective utilization of supply chain data through onsite HMIS-LMIS Onsite Data review model.
- Targeted capacity building efforts to facilities and thematic areas that are performing poorly or require the most urgent attention Annual PSM
- Intervention to reduce stockout Rates: scale-up of Last Mile Distribution (LMD) pilot, continued support to CHTs for timely reporting and requisitions