First Lady Weah Launches Major Campaign with hope of reducing malaria associated deaths… as Liberia observes World Malaria Day 2018


Monrovia, Liberia: The Government of Liberia has embarked on a major campaign to distribute about two million long lasting insecticide mosquito nets across the country in an effort to reduce deaths associated with malaria.

The nationwide massive Mosquito Net Distribution, spearheaded by the Health Ministry in collaboration with Plan International Liberia and partners, was launched on Wednesday, April 25, 2018, during the official commemoration of World Malaria Day in Paynesville, outside Monrovia.

Serving as chief launcher, the First Lady of the Republic of Liberia, Ambassador Clar M. Weah urged would be recipients of the mosquito nets to use them properly to ensure government achieves its overall objective.

She said the initiative, which is part of the National Malaria Strategic Plan, aims at reducing morbidity and mortality of malaria by 50 pecent by 2020. First Lady Weah noted the campaign is also in line with the health component of the government’s Pro-Poor Agenda.

“We must work on the goal of attaining a zero malaria death profile to save our population from being affected with the disease, especially children under five and pregnant women who are the most at risk,” Madam Weah asserted.

The First Lady alarmed over the fatality of malaria in Liberia and called for collective efforts to protect the Liberian population from the disease. She said, despite tremendous efforts by the Liberian government in partnership with Global Fund and the President Malaria Initiative of the US-Government, more needed to be done to nib the disease in the bot.

“Recent statistics shows that the disease is responsible for forty-two percent of out-patient attendance and thirty-nine percent of inpatients deaths. This statistics leaves no room for complacency over the gains made, instead it challenges us to do better and bring down the threat of malaria,” said Madam Weah.


The official LLINs campaign launched and the World Malaria Day (WMD 2018) commemoration ceremonies were held at the Paynesville City Hall in Montserrado County under the theme: “Ready to Beat Malaria” and a local slogan “Everywhere, Every night, Sleep under Mosquito Nets.”

Following the ceremonies, First Lady Weah distributed the first set of mosquito nets to a few individuals who queued up to benefit from the distribution.

For his part, the keynote speaker, former Health Minister now Grand Kru County Senator, Dr. Peter Coleman presented a detailed explanation on the history of the disease across the world and the magnitude of havoc it has done to mankind.

He also expressed the significance and benefits including the economic dividends Liberia stands to accrue if successful in defeating malaria, and called on stakeholders to speed up efforts in defeating the disease.

Also speaking Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah praised the efforts of health workers in helping government combat malaria as she reaffirmed government’s commitment to working with them and partners at various levels.

The celebration was also graced by US Ambassador to Liberia, Christine Elder, the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM) of the Global Fund first vice Chairperson, Sister Barbara Brillant and Mrs. Paulina Doe Hilton, head of secretariat of the LCM, as well as other UN and Donor Agencies.

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