Ministry of Health
MOH Global Fund grants in Liberia
Ministry of Health is a Principal Recipient for two active Global Fund grants in Liberia with oversight from Liberia Coordinating Mechanism.
1. TB/HIV Grant
Program Title: | Strengthening TB/HIV Collaboration to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality. |
Grant Name: | LBR-C-MOH |
Grant Number: | 1030 |
Disease: | HIV/AIDS/Tuberculosis |
Grant Committed Amount: | Up to the amount of US$27,343,287 (Twenty-Seven Million Three Hundred Forty-Three Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven US Dollars) or its equivalent in other currencies. |
Time frame; | April 1, 2016, to December 31, 2017 |
- To reduce TB prevalence and incidence by 2018;
- To stop new HIV infections in Liberia
- To keep PLHIV alive and healthy in Liberia; and
- To mitigate the socio-economic impact on people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS in Liberia.
Target Group/Beneficiaries:
The Program will target and benefit the following groups:
- TB patients and their families;
- People living with HIV;
- Pregnant women;
- Prisoners, women, children, miners, residents of slum areas; and
- General population.
4. Strategies:
- Pursue high-quality DOTS expansion and enhancement
- Address TB-HIV, MDR-TB, and the needs of poor and vulnerable populations
- Contribute to health system strengthening based on primary health care
- Engage all care providers
- Empower people with TB, and communities through partnership
- Enable and promote research
- Increase access to HIV prevention and treatment services
- Provide HIV prevention information and services to key and vulnerable populations
- Increase care and support for PLHIV
- Strengthen national health and community systems
Planned Activities:
Under the responsibility of the National AIDS Control Program, the activities implemented under this grant include:
- scale-up high quality pediatric and adult pre-ART and ART services, including implementation of the 2013 WHO ART guidelines;
- increase access to and uptake of PMTCT services;
- enhance defaulter tracing and ensuring adherence to treatment;
- promote access to and uptake of HTC;
- ensure access to HIV prevention and treatment services among key populations, including FSWs, MSMs, transgender people, PWIDs, and prisoners, fishermen, miners and youth in and out of school;
- strengthen strong linkages to care for newly diagnosed HIV-positive individuals;
- improve laboratory and diagnostic capacities for pre-ART and ART, TB/HIV, and PMTCT services, including CD4 testing, viral load testing, TB screening, and PCR for EID;
- reinforce health information system and M&E;
- scale-up HIV/TB services; and
- manage the HIV program effectively.
Under the responsibility of the National TB and Leprosy Program, the activities implemented under this grant include:
- procurement and supply management of the 1st line and 2nd line TB drugs;
- strengthening of the collection and transport of sputum samples;
- strengthening laboratory capacity through the roll-out of new technologies: procurement of GeneXperts, X rays, and MGIT (liquid culture);
- roll-out of GeneXpert to detect RR-TB cases among retreatment cases, PLHIV, extrapulmonary TB, and children;
- establish culture and drug susceptibility testing to confirm MDR-TB cases;
- systematic TB screening among PLHIV, HIV testing among TB patients, ART provision for co-infected patients, and roll out of isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) among eligible PLHIV;
- scale-up active case finding in slums communities in 7 counties;
- community interventions will be scaled up to promote social mobilization using the effective EVD community approach; community health workers (CHWs) will ensure treatment adherence, defaulter tracing and household contact tracing, and community referrals;
- strengthening health information system and M&E, timely reporting through DHIS II (from facilities to counties and from counties to DHIS II) will also improve;
- scale-up HIV/TB services; and
- effective program management.