Grant Title: HIV/AIDS Response for Key Population and Community TB Programme in High Burden Areas in Liberia

  • COVID 19 Regional Mechanism Wave 2.

Grant Value:  $24,338,685 USD

Principal Recipients: PLAN International Liberia

Time Period: Wave 2:  January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025       

Program Goal and Objectives


  • Ensure continuation of undisrupted services for HIV, TB & Malaria in the midst of strengthening health systems to response to future pandemic.


  • To strengthen the surveillance system for early warning, detection, and response to emerging threats/outbreaks
  • To strengthen the capacity of community systems to respond to outbreaks and emergencies through a patient centered, human rights and gender informed response.
  • To strengthen human resources for health including Community health workers at the subnational level to improve competency in event-based surveillance and health service delivery
  • To strengthen laboratory and diagnostic capacity to enable rapid diagnostic testing of new outbreaks, specimen transportation networks, laboratory information systems, antimicrobial
  • resistance (AMR) & Zoonotic diseases in alignment with WHO The Joint External Evaluation (JEE).
  • To strengthen capacity for case management with a focus on hypoxemia and medical oxygen, respiratory care, and therapeutics.
  • To strengthen systems for Health product and Waste management