National AIDS Commission (NAC) and UNAIDS jointly launched Liberia’s National Strategic Framework (NSP 2021-2025) and M&E Plan to meeting Global End AIDS Targets: 95-95-95.

The ambitious 95-95-95 strategy was announced by UNAIDS in 2014, aiming to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 by achieving 95% diagnosed among all people living with HIV (PLHIV), 95% on antiretroviral therapy (ART) among diagnosed, and 95% virally suppressed (VS) among treated. An intermediate goal of 90-90-90 was set for 2020. These targets have been adopted by many countries including Liberia implying that treatment should be prioritized in resource allocation.
Mrs. Theodosia Kolee, Chairperson of the NAC said the NSP will guide the country in its implementation drive to ending AIDS in the country.
Also speaking, Dr. Pepukai Chikukwa, UNAIDS Country Director terms the Lauching of both plans -NSP and M&E Plan- as a step in the right direction for the country to meeting the Global targets.
The launched of the strategic frame

work documents to guide the national AIDS response was supported by the UNAIDS.

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