Global Fund Investment Records Improvement …As CMS Reports on progress


The Central Medical Store (CMS) under the leadership of Managing Director Boakai Boley has shown consistency of uninterrupted quarterly nationwide distribution of lifesaving commodities with decreased stock out reported.

The items distributed include critical TB, HIV and Malaria drugs as well as essential medicine and medical supplies and equipment.

In Liberia, supply chain management is one of the main challenges facing the health care system. To help solve these challenges, the Global Fund through the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM) continues to work with the Ministry of Health and other multi-lateral and bi-lateral partners to strengthen the health system in the country. The newly constructed pharmaceutical warehouse called the “Central Medical Store (CMS)” located in Caldwell, Montserrado County has addressed the issue of limited storage facility. The CMS is determined to ensure that medication and medical supplies are available throughout the country.

In spite of the enormity of the challenges in terms of logistics, and deplorable roads network, the CMS Managing Director remains upbeat about the health sector transformation. “Sometime it’s not how much you’ve got, or how bad the circumstances are. It is about your drive, guts and determination but all glory to God.” Director Boley said.

The CMS recently briefed the LCM of a successfully delivery to all 14 counties and completed Montserrado distribution early March 2019. Director Boley expressed gratitude to critical development partners including the Global Fund, USAID and WHO for their technical and financial support which make these deliveries possible.

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