Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) For Civil Society Constituency Membership Renewal on the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM)


The Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM), established to coordinate and oversee all grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Liberia, is seeking applications for the renewal of members representing the following sub-sectors:

Local/National non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based organizations (CBOs): 2 members and 2 alternate members

People living with the diseases and key affected populations (PLWD (2) / KAPs (2)): 4 members and 4 alternate members.

Representatives shall be elected for a term of 3 years (July 2022-June 2025), through an inclusive, transparent, and democratic process based on the criteria and eligibility requirements developed by the sub-sectors.

  1. Eligibility

1.1: Local/National NGOs/CBOs sub-sector

1.1.1 Criteria for the organization

  • Must be a registered organization and duly accredited within the health sector
  • Must have not less than 3 years’ experience working in the responses to AIDS, TB or Malaria and/or contributing to Health Systems Strengthening or Human Rights promotion in Liberia
  • Must have experience working with MoH other than Global Fund Principal recipient(PR)/Sub Recipient(SR) and is operating in at least 2 counties
  • Must have a permanent visible office, with a registered address and a track record of good performance.

1.1.2 Candidate Profile

  • Must be the head of the organization or a member of the Senior Management Team
  • Must have at least 2 years’ experience working in the response to HIV, Tuberculosis or Malaria and/or health system strengthening or the promotion of human rights in Liberia
  • Must have previous experience with network organization
  • Must have a mandate given by the organization.

2.1: PLWD/KAPs sub-sector

2.2.1 Criteria for the organization

  • Organization composed of PLWD/KAPs (Network/Organization of Persons Living with HIV, Network/Organization working with women and girls, men who have sex with men, transgender groups, sex workers, etc.)
  • Must be a registered organization and have accreditation letter under the law of Liberia
  • Must be working in more than 1 county
  • Should have worked in Liberia not less than 3 years.

2.2.1 Candidate Profile

  • Must be a strong advocate
  • Must be a PLWD or a KAP
  • Must be available
  • Must have good communication skills
  • Must have strong comprehensive ability.
  1. Documents Required in the Application

Applicant organizations must submit the following documents:

  • Copy of the accreditation from the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs/Ministry of Finance & Development Planning
  • Copy of the registration
  • Letters of recommendation from partners (international organizations, United Nations Agencies based in Liberia)
  • Letter of nomination of the candidate duly dated and signed (with the name of the candidate, the sub-sector, the position (member or alternate member))
  • The curriculum vitae of the candidate
  • The expression of interest written and signed by the candidate.
  • Applicant organizations may also provide any other documents contributing to better understand their activities.
  1. Submission of Applications

Applicant organizations must send the application files in an envelope marked “LCM – Call for Nominations of Civil Society Representatives” by Thursday, June 30, 2022 at 16:00, at the latest, to the following address:

Mr. William E. Walker Jr.

Head of Secretariat

Liberia Coordinating Mechanism

2nd Floor Old National Drugs Services (NDS) Building

JFK Compound, 23rd Street, Sinkor

Monrovia, Liberia

The applications are received every working day from 9:00 to 16:00.

Applications will be sent to the attention of the LCM Head of Secretariat.

  1. Orientation and elections of eligible candidates

The orientation for candidates who will submit applications will take place on the week of  July 10, 2022 followed by elections of eligible candidates on July 17, 2022. Venue will be communicated via email upon receipt of your application.

Please note the dates if you are interested in representing your constituency on the LCM.

For any additional information or clarity, kindly send an email to

Signed:  Mr. William E. Walker Jr.

  Head of Secretariat

  Liberia Coordinating mechanism


Approved: Mr. Dorsla Farcarthy


       Liberia Coordinating Mechanism Election Committee


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